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Typically membership extends to 50-60 family units. A “family” is a mixed sex partnership with or without children. “Singles” are accepted but may be subject to a waiting list. Control is in the hands of a club committee elected annually by a meeting of members.

A code of conduct applies. Naturally, main activities are at summer weekends but members may come and go at any time.

Prospective members must make three visits to the club before they may be invited to join. If you wish to visit us with a view to joining, please see the current fees and area map below, or use the web links for an application form and to email our membership secretary.

We extend a particularly warm welcome to those who have experienced naturism for the first time on an overseas beach and would like to continue the experience with like minded friends.

Prices & Fees

  • Visit Fees – £15 per adult per day for non-members

  • Subscription Fee (2025 rate) – Fee for a Single Member is £175, Fee for a couple is £233, plus £2 per head per annum capitation fee for non-BN members.

Club members on the lawn

Haslemere Sun Club - Application for Membership

Please complete the application below. If you have not made your 3 visits to the club, your application may be put on hold until you have done so.

Is this application for membership for a couple?
Do you have any children (under age of 18) who will also be joining?
Address of 1st Applicant
Are you a member of BN (British Naturism)?

Please list any places you have visited or were members of.

Have you applied for membership before?
Should you become a member of Haslemere Sun Club are you willing that your telephone number/email address is passed to other members, and used to make contact with you regarding Club matters?

Let us know of any skill sets that you may have that would help the club, if none please state.

If none, please state "None".

Can we contact them for a reference?
Not applicable
Have you ever been excluded from or refused membership to any naturist organisation?
When applying for membership we do require proof of ID and address. Please confirm what ID you will be providing:

You can upload a max of 4 documents

Please confirm that you are happy for us to use your email address for letting you know about anything relating to Haslemere Sun Club

Please sign here


Admission to club grounds at “Sunnyacres”, Pond Road, Headley Down is at the discretion of the Club Committee. Membership is subject to Committee Approval following 3 visits. Visitors should note that visits are chargeable at the rate agreed by the preceding Club General Meeting. Visit fees may be waived at the discretion of the Club Committee.

For first visits to the club, photo identification is required to be seen, such as Photo Drivers Licence, Passport, or Photo ID card. A copy of your identification needs to accompany this application form.

Visitors and prospective members are asked to act in accordance with the Club’s Rules and Standing Orders. A copy is sent with this form to all visitors, further copies may be obtained from the Club Membership Secretary.

A strict control is kept on the number of single sex membership units of either sex.

Due allowance for shyness is made on first visit.

Dogs are not allowed in Club Grounds.

Membership records are registered under the Data Protection Act 1998. For administrative purposes records of membership may be passed to the Central Council for British Naturism. Personal information about you will not be passed to any other third party without your specific permission.

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